I have moderate Cerebral Palsy (CP). It affects my legs and reduces the distance I can walk and the length of time I can stand. I do exercise but I know based on experience with other mobility aids that a specific device would be of great benefit.
(Hamstrings too tight)
When I discussed my mobility with an Orthotist I was diagnosed with three point flexion. My hips, ankles and waist were not at the optimal 180 degrees. As my hamstrings were quite tight any way to move my knees closer to a full 180 would be of great benefit. Ultimately it would be necessary for meaningful improvements in mobility.
(Devices exist but they are just now in development)
Devices designed for those some or no control over their legs have been in development for some time. In 2010 Honda had revealed a working prototype with its Walk Assist device. Six years later this was no further along in development. Other products collectively deemed lower body exoskeletons were being discussed by various firms but none were anywhere near being sold. It was at this time I decided to create my own. While it would be a tremendous challenge I would be an improvement to my quality of life and an improvement for others.
(A frame, A motor that gives power to knee joint)
The single most important function of the exoskeleton would be its ability to add power to my legs allowing me to fully straighten my knee. This is my keystone symptom and addressing it would solve the problem of my reduced mobility.
An overriding concern would be safety. This is a medical device which could cause me great harm if it were to malfunction. The most obvious danger would be if the device would extend past 180 degrees and break my knee joint.
A final concern would be cost. As an individual I do not have the resources that companies like Honda do. This project would need to be done at a cost I could afford. Without any projects to compare to I decided to set a loose budget of $1000 of my own money to use.
(Something to Straighten Hamstrings)
At the beginning of my research it became clear that the emerging exoskeleton market can be broken into two categories. Devices for those, like me with some sensation and control of their legs and devices for those without any such control.
Circuitry work for the leg project.
At this point in the design the most important part was ensuring a motor could be found that would be strong enough to support part of my bodyweight yet be small enough to fit on a frame surrounding me.
For simplicity's sake I decided the knees would be the only points of actuation. In robotics the number of points of actuation is a key metric in a design. Not having motors in the ankle hips or elsewhere would make the device simpler and less expensive. It would also make the prototyping process quicker.
As I have some control over my legs the device would need to incorporate a control system that would work in tandem with the deliberate movement of my legs.
(Motion Study, Fitting Fabrication and Testing)
Making the exoskeleton would be a tremendous undertaking. I am an Excellent UX developer but I have limited knowledge of robotics and no access to any fabrication tools.
I was fortunate enough to be pointed in a good direction soon after deciding to make these. A professor of mine U of T’s Matt Ratto does excellent work in wearable technology. He suggested I find a group of undergraduate engineering students to design these legs as their capstone project for their degree.
I was not entirely familiar with the process of a capstone project. For the exoskeleton we would need metal parts to be machined. This is beyond the knowledge set of the students working with me. Toastmasters had also introduced me to a national charity called Tetra. Tetra connects skilled fabricators with disabled persons needing custom made solutions to challenges in daily living. Ken Strauss a volunteer agreed to join our team He fabricated a truly excellent solid aluminum frame and a gear box.
No locomotion project is successful without a detailed Gait analysis. My Orthotist made me aware of The Toronto Rehab Institute. A laboratory that specialises in the testing we needed. They were sceptical and it was a dead end. Moving forward I took a kinesiology class with Dr Luk Tramblay at the University of Toronto. I arranged to have motion sensor testing done at the BioMechanics and Sport Medicine Lab at the university.
(Motors in knee work with gearbox to push legs closer to 180 degrees)
Everyone involved in The Garside Project worked diligently. By the end of the 2017 school year the brace incorporated my gait analysis, Ken Strass’s hardware and the coding and electrical work of the four students. I was able to wear the brace. We were honoured with the Gordon R Slemon Design Award which is given to one ECE capstone per year. I still own the braces and am working with a personal friend to perfect them.